Tuesday, February 9, 2010


February 7, 2010.. after having dinner at patty and mac's place, i had another photoshoot.. yes! another photoshoot in my own bedroom studio.. lol...but this time it's for business purposes.. my sissy needed a little help so i eagerly volunteered... hope her clothes will sell more.. wishing!

take a look if these shots can lure you to buy these cover-ups...

February 8, 2010.. CRAB party! ...after having shrimps for dinner the night before, it's time to turn the table to Mr. KRABS but not on his Krusty Krabs's patties but to his brothers...lol...BIG CRABS..BIG CRABS.. BIG CRABS... crabs all over the place for only P280... it's such a feast for me....plus dinner was a post christmas gift from a dear friend...so it's sooo perfectly superb..yum yum yum....believe it or not, i ate like 75% of what's on the picture.. and if it weren't only for my hurting hands i could have eaten more.. lol.. thanks donor! mwah!
poor eaten crabs and the crab-eater


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