Thursday, April 12, 2012


people have been asking me, Why don't they see me on facebook anymore?
well, once and for all i am going to give them the answers here.

you won't see me on facebook because i stopped logging on to the site.
i just had to stop.


1. there are people i don't want to see.
2.there are posts i don't want to read.
3. there are things i don't want to know.


when you stop doing what you are used to doing,
4. you will know yourself more.
5. you will know the people around you more.
6. you will know what things really matter.
7. you will know who cares if you're gone or not.
8. you will know who knows where and how to find you.

it's really not easy.
it's not easy giving up on something you really don't want to give up.
it's not easy having and knowing those reasons why you should give up.
and definitely it's not easy to let go of something you've had for years,
got used to doing and has been part of your daily life.

this act of abstinence has taught me so much.
it may look simple, but i definitely learned a lot.

10 Lessons in Life i learned when i gave up facebooking:

1. you can only be truly happy when you let go of the things that make you unhappy.
2. sometimes, being silent is the best way to deal with things.
3. not everybody around you is your friend.
4. you should know when is the best time to talk and when not to.
minding your own business and keeping yours will save you from trouble.
5. talk to the right persons.
6. try not to find out things if you think you're not ready to deal with it.
7. a time away from those people who has brought you hurt makes healing easier.
8. some things happen for UNobvious and obvious reasons,
some things just simply happen.
9. a person only hears what he wants to hear.
10. there are questions in life that you can't really answer by yourself,
the hardest and most painful is the WHY?

i'm not yet going back to facebook.
i am not ready.
and i don't want to.
honestly, the pain is more than the happiness it brings.
i'd rather stay out of it than turn my friends into enemies,
turn the people i love into people i don't want to be with,
and turn somebody i know into a total stranger.

goodbye for now facebook.
and see you soon.
i will be back.
i promise!


Anonymous said...

I wont be missing u coz am reading every details n u here.

bLack aNgeL said...

@Anonymous: thanks

Anonymous said...

I figured as much. You're not really missing anything te, except the latest post by Den hehehe :)

I tried doing that once but it was extremely difficult to stay away from Facebook when I have officemates/friends who talk about FB stuff whenever we see each other. So now I activated the damn thing again =/

bLack aNgeL said...

@ADY: i couldn't agree more te. Super hard jud
xa. Pero i need some time off sa. Ok lng man pud kay since wala koy fb, i have more time to blog. ;-)