Tuesday, June 17, 2008

my new home

I guess it's time to get back into blogging. Well, thanks to my arkitek friend who inspired me into getting back into the track (and thanks to the header too!). Guess it's time to get a new home now so i could start a new life. Just hope i can keep this one longer than the other one. lol. Hmmm... as far as i could remember, my past entries on blogdrive were all blah! blah! things. Now, i want to make a difference here. Let's just see how different it could be. Could it be better or worst?! Better! Fingers crossed!


Björnik said...

bai! gwapa kaayo ka sa imong picture! alabit!hehe welcome to blogspot!

bLack aNgeL said...

aw! nagkadugay nagkagwapa man jud ko bai.. hehehe

Björnik said...

mura man diay kag bino!hahaha aw.. sorry nagkadugay nagkalami diay to. mura na lang kag painting.hehe

ady said...

Waaaahhh nice imong header geng! :) why not write about your hobbies/work/insights etc.

Wui bjorn, i really need help with my header and template. I really couldn't make any sense on the codes.